標題 週四晨間美語ICRT
訊息分類 教務處
公告單位 教學組長
日期起迄 2024-04-11 00:00~2024-04-18 23:50 更新時間: 2024-04-11 07:57:42

The Thai Ghost Hunters

Do you believe in ghosts? Here in Taiwan, we have Ghost Month. It's when all
ghosts can walk the earth and visit the living …
你相信世界上有鬼嗎? 在台灣,我們有鬼月,鬼在這個時候都會出來走走。

Some ghosts are mean. They live in spooky places. They do scary things. That
makes many people scared of ghosts.

Spooky old castles may be haunted. That means they might have ghosts in them.
Some newer places may be haunted too. Imagine being scared of ghosts and
living in a haunted house! You'd be scared all the time!

In Thailand, two students started a ghost-hunting business. Do you have a
spooky place? You can ask them to sleep there. When they don't see ghosts,
they give you a special paper. The paper says the place is ghost-free!

One of the students doesn't believe in ghosts. But the other student does!
He's very scared of them!

They haven't seen any ghosts … yet! But they always bring some helpful tools
to scare ghosts away!

Do you want to be a ghost hunter too? You'll get money for scary nights in
spooky places! No, thanks!


1. scared 害怕的
Are you scared of ghosts? 你怕鬼嗎?
I don't know.我不知道。
I've never seen a real ghost. 我從來沒有見過真正的鬼。
How about you? 你呢?

2. haunted house 鬼屋
I'm more scared of the living.我比較怕活人。
But I don't want to sleep in a haunted house. 但是我可不要在鬼屋裡睡覺。
Me either. 我也不要。

3. place 地方
But I don't mind seeing one during the daytime.不過我不介意白天時去看看鬼屋。
I know a place like that! 我知道那樣的地方!

4. spooky 恐怖陰森的
Where? 在哪裡?
The house above me. 我家樓上的房子。
It's empty but there are sounds. 它是空的,但是有聲音。
That's spooky! 真恐怖!

So do you believe in ghosts? 來讀單字。
haunted house鬼屋

1. Where is the ghost-hunting business?
a. Iceland
b. Thailand
c. Taiwan

2. How many of the students are scared of ghosts?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 7

3. What is a house with ghosts in it called?
a. A ghost-free house
b. A scared house
c. A haunted house

1. b
2. a
3. c